As primary season nears, CU advocates reminded CUPAC contributions can be made online


With the new year fast-approaching, the New York Credit Union Association is reminding credit union advocates they can easily support pro-credit union candidates running for state-level office this election cycle with the Association’s online donation site.

The Association’s CUPAC microsite, unveiled earlier this year, provides donors with the ability to easily and securely make online contributions to CUPAC, the state credit union political action committee.

Contributions to CUPAC are directed in a bipartisan manner to help elect candidates for state office who support a pro-credit union agenda and reflect the ideals and values of the credit union movement. Contributions to CUPAC help protect the interests of credit unions in New York and ensure credit unions have a voice in state government.

CUPAC is the state’s credit union political action committee. Individual contributions to CUPAC are used to support credit union-friendly candidates who are running for state office. Contributions to CUPAC are not tax-deductible. Contributions are strictly voluntary, and you have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal. Rules for state political fundraising require us to record the name and address of anyone who donates more than $99. Contributions to CUPAC will be directed in a nonpartisan fashion to candidates who support a pro-credit union agenda and reflect the ideals and values of the credit union movement.

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